4 Data visualizations Tagged "work-life-balance"

Work-life balance

Sammenligning antall arbeidstimer uke 1-7 år 2024 vs 2025

Grafisk framstilling av antall arbeidstimer uke 1-7 år 2025 vs 2024. Målet er å komme ned til 37,5 timer i uken. Work-Life Balance!

Global burnout statistics, showing stress levels, impact of technology, industry-specific burnout rates, and solutions to combat workplace stress

Mapping the Global Landscape of Burnout and Stress: Insights and Solutions

This visualization represents global burnout and stress statistics from sources including Gallup, Future Forum, and ThriveMyWay. It covers the percentage of employees facing high-stress levels, the impact of…

Productivity logged in a normal day of my life

Productivity level of a day in my life

Productivity logged from the time I woke up to when I went to bed on Friday 26.08.2022. The productivity level also reflects the level of energy at various…

A bar chart of how many hours I spent on my job vs. my phone during week 33, 2022.

Daily time (hours/minutes) spent on my job vs. my phone during week 33, 2022.

A bar chart over how many hours/minutes a day I spend on my job and on my phone in a particular week. Time on the phone include private…