6 Data visualizations Tagged "#week"

Min skjermtid i uke 36

Antall timer brukt på telefonen (Skjermtid)

Dette er hvor mange timer jeg har brukt på telefonen sist uke (uke 36). Visualiseringen er laget i excel.

Weekly nutritional overview

Weekly intake of Protein, Carbs & Fat in grams

A stacked bar chart showcasing how many grams of protein, carbs and fat I ate in one specific week of my life. This week is nothing out of…

How many hours i did study on my computer each day week 35 and 36 2024

Week 35 og uke 36 2024 august and september. My data and numbers of my study time pr Day

week habit pepsi

My pepsi habit in week 10

This table represent my consumption of pepsi max cans in week 10 of 2023.

A bar chart of how many hours I spent on my job vs. my phone during week 33, 2022.

Daily time (hours/minutes) spent on my job vs. my phone during week 33, 2022.

A bar chart over how many hours/minutes a day I spend on my job and on my phone in a particular week. Time on the phone include private…

A graph visualization of trips to the store over the course of a week

Trips to the store for week 33 of 2022

Number of trips taken to the store per day over the course of a week (W33, 2022).