6 Data visualizations Tagged "rainfall"

Bar chart showing average annual precipitation in Bergen, Rome, Tilburg, Toulouse, Mannheim, Helsinki, Sofia, Vienna and Barcelona

Rain falling on me and on my project colleagues

Chart showing average annual precipitation in mm for my hometown (Bergen, Norway) and that of my closest project colleagues around Europe. Climate data from the public domain.

A combo graph displaying rainfall and number steps per day grouped by day of the week

Rainfall affects my daily activity level

Two weeks of my daily steps are compared to the amount of rainfall per day measured in my city. The number of steps are displayed as points interconnected…

Average Rainfall

Average rainfall in the cities where I have lived

A graph of the average rainfall in the cities where I have lived.

Den totale nedbørsmengden i Bergen fra August 2021 til Juli 2022

Nedbør i Bergen de siste 12 månedene

Visualiserer den totale nedbørsmengden i Bergen de siste 12 månedene (August 2021-Juli 2022). Dataene er hentet fra yr.no sine sider: https://www.yr.no/nb/historikk/tabell/1-92416/Norge/Vestland/Bergen/Bergen?q=siste-13-m%C3%A5neder

Bar graph of average rainfall in Sandnes

Average rainfall in Sandnes

Average rainfall for each month in Sandnes for the years 1985-2015. Data available from timeanddate.com.

bars graph of average rainfall in Coventry

Average rainfall in Coventry

Average rainfall (mm) in Coventry (UK) between 1999 and 2020. Data available from the Met Office (UK Government) under Crown Copyright.