66 Data visualizations Tagged "norway" (page 4 of 4)

Car manufacturers podium

Visualization of the top three car manufacturers in Norway (2021) by the percentage of total car sales. Background photo: https://www.businessinsider.com/best-medal-winning-reactions-sochi-olympics-2014-2?r=US&IR=T

There are 86 oil platforms on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Ågotnes located on Sotra have 5 oil platforms at dock per at the moment (28.08 2022). 1 of those oil platforms is where I Work. This is data about oil platforms in Norway.

Data of Oil platforms

There are 86 oil platforms on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. Ågotnes located on Sotra have 5 oil platforms at dock per at the moment (28.08 2022). 1 of…

Den totale nedbørsmengden i Bergen fra August 2021 til Juli 2022

Nedbør i Bergen de siste 12 månedene

Visualiserer den totale nedbørsmengden i Bergen de siste 12 månedene (August 2021-Juli 2022). Dataene er hentet fra yr.no sine sider: https://www.yr.no/nb/historikk/tabell/1-92416/Norge/Vestland/Bergen/Bergen?q=siste-13-m%C3%A5neder

Electric cars in Norway

Share of electric cars in Norway among newly registered passenger cars in 2021

Pepsi Max in Norway

Norway stands for 9 percent of the total Pepsi Max sales in the world.

Consummation of Taco

The country of Norway consumes the most amount of spicy Mexican food compared to any other European country.