46 Data visualizations Tagged "norway" (page 1 of 3)

Yellow and red capsules found in and around the stomach and intestine in a trout.

Number of fishparasite Dibothriocephalus ditremus – D. ditremus in a brown trout.

A trout fish in local freshwater outside of Bergen was examined for internal parasites.The trout was found to have approximately 60 capsules of the parasites inside. Dibothriocephalus ditremus…

Ulik type drikke i løpet av ei veke

Drykk i løpet av ei veke

Kor mange koppar/glas med ulik type drikke eg har drukke i løpet av ei veke.

sleep and stress measuring

Sleep and Stress Data – do they show our true selves?

Does good sleep buffer against stress? I looked at one week in June 2024 in the Apple Health and Stress Monitor apps on iPhone and was surprised at…


En uke med skjermtid. Visualiserer total skjermbruk hver dag, sammen med hvor lang tid jeg har brukt på mine mest brukte apper; Snapchat, TikTok og Candy Crush.

A year\'s worth of pedestrian exploration

In my shoes

How much I have walked in a year. Data collected by Garmin

Items from every member of my family

My family life 😍

The things represented in this picture are items from every member of my family. The owner of the data is myself, chose to be anonymous.

The time I have spent om mathematics

I am representing the time I have spent learning, teaching, correcting, calcualting, helping others with and made videoes about mathematics in week 37 in 2023.

radial histogram divided into color frequency representing artist EWian clolour log

Artist log, colors January 2024 – Kunstnerlogg, farger januar 2024

Artist log, colors January 2024 Most used colors in January 2024. Data from the artist log of EWian. The picture shows frequency of colors for January 2024, with…

My analogue library by six categories 2024, illustrated in a 2D Column diagram

Mitt analoge bibliotek etter genre 2024

Mitt private analoge bibliotek 2024 delt opp i seks genre. Lisens: CC BY-SA 4.0 Billedelementer: DALLE-3

Skiing and mountains are in the Norwegian DNA – AI generated with adobe express

The picture is generated with the “text to image” function in Adobe express. The prompt is: A DNA molecule. In the background there is a mountain. A person…

Contrasting the cultural dimensions between France, my country of upbringing, and Norway, the country of my familial roots and present residence

Country comparison

Contrasting the cultural dimensions between France, my country of upbringing, and Norway, the country of my familial roots and present residence. Representing scores for France and Norway on…

This graph shows the historical electricity prices for Bergen/Norway for the last 9 years.

Historical Electricity Prices For Bergen

The historical electricity prices are gathered from website https://slipper.no/historiske-nordpool-strompriser/. This shows Nordpool’s average electricity prices in øre pr kwh from January 2016 to January 2024.

Population density in norwegian municipalities

Population density in norwegian municipalities I have lived

The chart showes the population density (2024) for norwegian municipalities I have lived for more than 1 year during my life. The orange line showes the share in…

My exercise one week in 2023

My exercise one week in 2023

One week of walking in 2023, registration made by my Fitbit

Totalt antall fødsler i Norge f.o.m år 2010 t.o.m år 2022

Antall fødsler i Norge mellom 2010-2022

Visualisering av totalt antall fødsler i Norge mellom år 2010 og 2022. Data hentet fra SSB (Statistisk sentralbyrå)

Snøfall dager i 2023 i Oslo, NO og Bergen, NO

Dager med snøfall i 2023: Oslo, NO vs Bergen, NO

Snøfall dager i løpet av 2023 i Oslo, NO og Bergen, NO.

Average time spent on studies during a week - full time students vs. law students

My Student Life in Data

The numbers are representing what an average Norwegian full time student spend on studying each week compared to Norwegian law students.

Data showing the amount of minutes used every morning for biking during week 37 2023

Week 37 2023 morning gym

The data show how much time per day I spent working out in the morning when I wake up waiting for the coffee. Minutes and days are my…

Yearly catch rates for introduced pink salmon in Norwegian rivers

Yearly catch rates for introduced pink salmon in Norwegian rivers

Statistisk sentralbyrå. CC-BY-4.0

Yearly catches of introduced pink salmon in Norwegian rivers

Copyright Statistisk sentralbyrå. CC BY 4.0.