4 Data visualizations Tagged "#mycountryindata"

Top 2 names in 2023 (Norway)

Topp 2 navn i 2023!

Kjært barn har mange navn! Navnetrender endrer seg fra tiår til tiår, men noen navn holder seg stabilt populære. I 2023 tronet Lucas/Lukas og Olivia øverst på listen…

This is a bar diagram representing the 5 most visited monuments in Spain in 2024


This is a bar diagram representing the 5 most visited monuments in Spain in 2024. The horizontal axis represents the monuments, and the vertical axis, the number of…

Birth rate in Spain

We can observe that the children who arrived in the world in September were conceived, day up day down, during the Christmas vacation period. It seems the right…

Curiosities or facts about Spain

My country in data, Spain

Here different interesting data about Spain are represented, such as its area, population, spending on education… taken from different sources such as the National Institute of Statistics or…