4 Data visualizations Tagged "coffee"

Coffee consumption per weekday

Coffee consumption per weekday

Number of cups of coffee I have had per weekday on average since January 1st, 2024.

Graph showing the amount of coffee units collected by me during a month (January 5th to February 4th) in 2023.

Amount of coffee units collected from coffee subscription in a month

This graph shows the amount of coffee units collected by me during a month (January 5th to February 4th). I had a coffee subscription at the time and…

Kopper kaffe uke 36 og 37

Antall kopper med kaffe

Kopper kaffe drukket i løpet av uke 36 og 37

Number of coffee cups last week

In the image, data from my own life is represented by looking at the number of cups of coffee I have drunk in the last week. This is…