This is one of the playful resources created by the Data Literacy for Citizenship DALI project, co-funded by the Erasmus Plus prorgamme of the European Union.
We invite you to reflect on how your own reality might be represented through data. Find some data relevant to you and visually represent aspects of your life or the world you inhabit.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Jeg har fremstilt et søylediagram som viser hvor mange minutter jeg har vært på ulike apper iløpet av dagen idag (10.09.2024). Jeg har tatt med 9 apper; snapchat,…
En visuell fremstilling i form av et stolpediagram av hvor mye skjermtid jeg har brukt på Youtube, Snapchat og Instagram i løpet av uke 36, 2024. Diagrammet viser…
Golfbox is a service provider for the Norwegian Golf Association. In golfbox, all my rounds of golf that I play are registered. In this way, my golf handicap…
Et linjediagram som viser sammenhengen mellom antall timer søvn, nivå av stress og humør over en periode på én uke (september, uke 36). X-aksen viser dato for registrering….
I data visualiseringen ser man hvor mange nedbørs dager det var i Bergen per måned for året 2023. Langs x-aksen står månedene og langs y-aksen er antall nedbørs…
Here’s a pie chart illustrating how time is distributed across different apps during a typical day. Each colored segment represents the minutes spent on a specific app, providing…
Antall bøker jeg leste i 2024, per måned. Data for september til desember er estimert, da statistikken tilsier at det vil bli lest minst en bok for hver…