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I´ve put in a graphic the hours I have done exercise the last week.

Hours of exercise last week

This graphic shows that i didn´t exercise last monday any hours, tuesday two hours, wednesday no hours, thursday two hours, friday 0 hours, saturday 1 hour and sunday…

Percentage of what I have drunk the most and the least for breakfast so far this month.

What I have drunk for breakfast so far this month

This graphic shows the percentage of how much coffee, tea, ColaCao, orange juice and water I have drunk for breakfast so far this month. This way it visually…

Buns, Beef, and Glory: My Top 5 Burger Joints This Month (And Why My Pockets Are Hurting)

My Top 5 Burger Joints This Month

This month’s burger obsession has been fully documented in a glorious graph: the total number of burgers devoured (spoiler: it’s a lot) versus the ultimate favorite of the…

Hvor stor prosentdel de forskjellige måltidene har I kalorier en dag på diett.

Prosenter kalorier per måltid en dag på diett.

Dette diagrammet viser hvor stor prosendel, målt i kalorier, hvert måltid har en dag på dietten min. Dette var torsdag 23.1.25. Dataene er mine.

Number of times i`ve had over my life

This image reprensents the number of different hair colours throughout my life. Each colour presented in the drawing reprensents the colour that i had for the longest time…

The sports I have practiced during my life (the time I have practiced each of them, the reasons why I stopped practicing them and my level of performance in each one).

Sports I have practiced during my life

In this image I represent the sports I have practiced during my life using a horizontal bar diagram to show the time I have practiced each sport in…

In Spain there is a big difference between the first two most visited cities and the rest, causing a great tourist inequality.


This graphic shows which are the cities that have received the most toursim in Spain over the last year (2023). Madrid was the most visited city, with a…


In order to create this graphic, there has been a previos compilation of the times I have referred to my girlfriend as “love” in 2025. This is the…

How do I distribute my free time

My free time

This graphic represents the distribution of how do I spend my free time along the week.

In the Region of Murcia, the majority of the youth population is enrolled in educational programs, while a smaller proportion is not. The gender distribution shows a slight majority of males over females.

Percentage of students in the Region of Murcia

This information focuses on the educational status of the youth population (ages 0-19) in the Region of Murcia. It provides data on how many young people are currently…

Mat-kostnadene mine i 2024

Mine kostnader knyttet til mat i 2024, per mnd

My whole life in just 4 graphics

My life in 4 graphics!!!!!

In this 4 graphics, I explain my life, my hobbies, how many time I spend on social media or how many times I go out in 2024.

Batteribruk over tid

batteribruk i løpet av en uke, med antal minutter



This is a pie chart that represents all the pets I’ve had throughout my life, how long I had them, and the age I was when I got…

RICT Top 5 places.

Top 5 places I’ve been to.

This is my top 5 places I’ve been to. It is based on the experiences I had there and the people I went with, not based on the…

United States vs Spain

Country Comparison

This is a comparison between two countries I’ve lived in and my opinions on different aspects based on my personal experiences.

This graphic shows my mood every morning when I use the tram.

My mood every morning in the tram

Every morning, I use the tram to go to university. I don’t like this means of transport, because is it usually crowded, I have to go standing up,…

Skritt gått i uke 3

Antall skritt gått hver dag i uke 3

Dette er en visualisering av hvor mange skritt jeg gikk hver dag i uke 3 i 2025. Jeg har et mål om å gå 10000 skritt hver dag,…

This is a bar diagram representing the 5 most visited monuments in Spain in 2024


This is a bar diagram representing the 5 most visited monuments in Spain in 2024. The horizontal axis represents the monuments, and the vertical axis, the number of…

Workout sessions per month in 2024

Number of workouts in 2024

A chart visualizing number of workouts done by me in 2024