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Månedlige skritt 2024

Antall skritt jeg hadde i hver måned i 2024

Denne dataen kommer fra pulsklokken min fra Garmin, som samlet inn informasjon om hvor mange skritt jeg har gått hver dag, og gjør det tilgjengelig i app. Det…

Hvilke bøker leste jeg i 2024

Bøker lest i 2024: totalt 11

Jeg leste 11 bøker i 2024. Dette kakediagrammet viser hvorvidt det var 1) frivillig lesing, 2) hvilken kategori man kan klassifisere bøkene: pensum eller skjønnlitteratur. Grafen viser også…


Nasjonalitet og kjønn på artister

En oversikt over kjønn og nasjonalitet på artister jeg har på min nyeste spilleliste med totalt 74 låter.

jobbtimer 2024

Jobbtimer 2024

Antall timer jobbet per måned i 2024, delt inn etter arbeidsgiver

Diagram showing amount of hours slept

My sleep data for week 2 of 2025

This diagram shows how my sleep varied for the second week of 2025. Note that on Saturday(lørdag) I was out drinking, which heavily affected my sleep in.

Shortest to longest trips in the last 5 years…

Graphic: Shortest to longest trips in the last 5 years until now… 1. Italy (Milan) – 1 Day for a holiday trip 2. Croatia (Pula, Split) – 1…


This is my top five concerts of 2024, my top one is Melendi because it was a familiar experience, the top 2 is Ferxxo because it was summer…

Diagram of my musical genres form my daily playlist.

I love music, I spend most of the time listening to it, so I decided to do a diagram about the genres from my daily playlist. We can…

My top 5 experiences in 2024

I’ve made this pyramid for making a ranking about my top experiences last year. In the top 5, I put living in Murcia because I am very happy…

Some graphics used to describe my personality and tastes

My presentation

In this three graphics I’ve presented myself, as an active, classic and funny person, represented with my steps, my clothes and my leisure.


Here are some graphics about some aspects of my life. They are quite peculiar so…Hope you enjoy!!

There are 4 graphics that represent: – How many times have I had a weird situation in the tram: these situations can vary from a weird encounter to…

Here are my four diagrams with some questions so you can know me a little bit better.

My life in data

The four diagrams give information about: 1. How much time do I spend on each App in my phone?. 2. How many days do I go or skip…

Annual Weather Averages Near Murcia

Description: This chart shows the annual weather averages near Murcia. Averages are for Murcia / Alcantarilla, which is 10 kilometers away from Murcia. This chart is based on…

My top 5 things in judo

Top 5: combat It is something I enjoy doing sometimes, but since at my club it is taken very seriously and I am not as good as my…


This is the top 10 touristic places in the Region of Murcia according to my personal opinion

Treningsoversikt Januar 2025

Oversikt over hvor mange dager med trening, hvor mange dager fri, samt hvilken type trening jeg har gjennomført i januar 2025. PS: Beregnet til og med 23. januar.


Strikking og hekling

En oversikt over hvor mye av ulike ting jeg har strikket eller heklet mellom 2020 og 2024.

Fruits eaten last week

Fruits eaten last week

This graphic shows the times I have eaten fruit last week. On monday I ate two pieces of fruit, on tuesday one piece of fruit, on wednesday no…

I´ve put in a graphic the times I have been to the cinema last year

The times I have been to the cinema last year

The graphic shows the times I went to the cinema last year. I´ve been one time in jenuary, cero times in february, cero times in march, in april…

I´ve put in a graphic the hours I have done exercise the last week.

Hours of exercise last week

This graphic shows that i didn´t exercise last monday any hours, tuesday two hours, wednesday no hours, thursday two hours, friday 0 hours, saturday 1 hour and sunday…