1512 Data visualizations Categorized "my life in data" (page 56 of 76)

Skjermtid på mobil

Skjermtid på mobil uke 3

Skjermtiden i uke 3 vises med gjennomsnittlig tid brukt på mobilen som ligger på 6 timer og 27 minutter denne uka. Skjermtiden er også fordelt på sosialt, underholdning…

Data for hvor mange ganger jeg har fullført \

Mosjon uke 3 and 4

Data for hvor mange ganger jeg har fullført sirkelen min i Mosjon appen så langt dette semesteret (uke 3 og 4). En fullført sirkel indikerer at kalori forbrennings…

Daglig lengde på sykkelturer fra 1. januar til 23. januar 2024 i km

Daglig lengde på sykkelturer fra 1. januar til 23. januar 2024 i km, public domain, jeg (anonym) er eieren av data

hours of sleep per night in a week



Antall skritt jeg har gått på en uke

Antall skritt jeg gikk i uke 3. Bildet viser både daglige antall skritt, og gjennomsnittlig antall skritt den uken.

My working day in hours spent on different activities

My average normal working day as an overstimulated 26 year old

This on average represents my current normal working day.

Diagram showing amount of time spent nursing my baby every month during the first year

Time spent nursing my baby during the first year

I was nursing my baby for over a year and recorded it every time. The visualization shows on an average basis how many hours I spent nursing every…

Double Helix

DNA er data

DNA er en forkortelse for deoksyribonukleinsyre og er et langt, trådformet molekyl som finnes inne i alle celler og i mange virus. Den delen av DNA-molekylet som inneholder…

My phone battery usage today

My phone battery usage today

A pie chart visualizing my phones power usage in a day, by percent.

Social media usage

The percentage of social media I use

The percentage of social media I consume on a daily basis.

Number og daily steps last week

My life in data – steps per day

Number of steps per day last week

Days studied Japanese vs days not studied Japanese

How often have I studied so far this year?

I do close to all of my studying through an application called Anki. Anki keeps close track of all my data to every last little detail. I have…

This illustration demonstrates the time I spent on my phone last week. Monday: 239 minutes, Tuesday: 330 minutes, Wednesday: 238 minutes, Thursday: 210 minutes, Friday 187:minutes, Saturday: 164 minutes, Sunday: 253 minutes.

Screentime on my phone week 37

This illustration demonstrates the time I spent on my phone last week. The data is given in minutes per day. I collected the data on my Iphone using…

Amount of NOK spent on food and drink per year, rounded to the nearest thousand

Pengebruk på mat og drikke de siste 5 årene

Amount of NOK spent on food and drink per year, rounded to the nearest thousand From year 2019 to 2023

The addiction is real

Graph showing the amount of time spent on my phone over a week periode from 11.09-17.09. Data collected from my phone’s (Huawei) system that collect data about my…

Data showing the amount of minutes used every morning for biking during week 37 2023

Week 37 2023 morning gym

The data show how much time per day I spent working out in the morning when I wake up waiting for the coffee. Minutes and days are my…

A chart showcasing the amount of times the submitters phone has been opened. The chart ranges from Monday to Sunday in the span of 3 weeks Week 1: 50,69,56,52,24,4,5. Week 2: 28,9,8,10,3,6,6. Week 3: 7,8,28,12,19,5,5.

Amount of phone unlocks over the span of 3 weeks

A chart showcasing the amount of times the submitters phone has been opened in the span of 3 weeks. The chart ranges from Monday to Sunday. Week 1:…

step count during week, with work days and non work days separated

Number of steps during a week

Number of steps during a week, monday -sunday. comparing work days and non work days. Indicating daily goal, and days that reached the goal. steps from 0 -11000,…

A table showing the number of steps in a week by each day

Number of steps in a week

This table shows the number of steps I walked in a week, with each pole representing a day.

My Personal DATA about smartphone power usage

My Daily Power consumption ranking

How do I use my phone’s battery for a day (18.sep)