1032 Data visualizations Categorized "my life in data" (page 45 of 52)

My city in Data


I have made a brief study on which are the routes that I frequent the most with the different distances and times that are needed to travel them,…

My Top 10 Netflix

My TOP 10 Netflix

The best Netflix series ordered in a top 10 according to my opinion.

What Pokémon games I have played the most

When I bought my first nintendo DSI with the Pokemon Black edition, I couldn’t imagine that it would become my favorite video game franchise. Nowadays I feel Pokemon…

Different songs throughout a day

People who know me associate me directly with my headphones and spotify, I am connected with those ones 24 hours a day, I love listening to music. Music…

My daily mobile phone usage is 7 hours and 44 minutes. I use Instagram for approximately 2 hours and 25 minutes a day; Tiktok, 2 hours and 3 minutes; YouTube, 45 minutes; Whatsapp, 5 hours and 3 minutes and Safari, 1 hour and 47 minutes.


It is clear that nowadays many people spend too much time in front of a screen. But what is the average time spent on mobile phones in Spain?…

Music genders and artists in a day

Music genders and artists that I listen to in a day

It shows the different music genders and artists that I listen to along my day. I also listen to other genders and artists some days but those are…

My (Student) Life in Data

My (Student) Life in Data

A representation of my process working with this current assignment (to create and upload a file to Dali).

screentime data

My screen time

My screentime for week 36. In total 39 hours, 5h and 39m in average. Screenshot from iPhone, no copyright. Self-owned.

My life in data

Hvor mye jeg svømte i uke 35

Forskjell i antall skritt Juli 2020 og 2021 på to ulike arbeidsplasser

Statistikk hentet fra Helse-appen på Iphone. Viser antall skritt jeg gikk på to ulike arbeidsplasser i 2020 og 2021.

My digital life on my phone, and my screen time.

Min digitale hverdag, fra telefonen min sitt perspektiv.

Written in English because of the language of the website. Realistically in Public Domain, since I uploaded it to this website. url=”http://www.themostamazingwebsiteontheinternet.com/”Min_digitale_hverdag_fra_min_telefon”

6 cups of coffee, 1 banana and oatmeal before noon

What I eat before noon

This is what I eat before noon every day. I have counted every cup of coffee over the last few days, and this is what I came up…

its a project to reduce the use of motor vehicle and to see how many steps is taken when the school start.

steps taken in 1st school month

steps taken in an august month, baseline 6000 steps, average steps taken in a month


Story of my life – What the Walter Cronkite happened?

Things just happen in the digital world (that’s my theory, and I’m sticking to it).


Story of my life – What the Walter Cronkite happened?

Things just happen in the digital world (that’s my theory and I’m sticking to it).

Gjennomsnittlig kilometer gått i uke 34

Antall kilometer gått i uke 34.

Fag tatt og tilsvarende studiepoeng verdi

Fag tatt og tilsvarende studiepoeng verdi

Fag tatt og tilsvarende studiepoeng verdier for individuelle måneder

Antall treningstimer på Elias uke 28 i 2022 vs. 2021

Elias sine treningstimer i uke 35 i årene hhv. 2022 og 2021

h/day in school

Hours in school per day

h/weekday in school for a specific week

Drawing of Monster Energy drink where artist has divided the can into 7 parts. Parts visualize weeks of the day. Artist has marked four point five days of the week as an indication of how many energy drinks they drink personally in a week.

Min gjennomsnittlige energidrikk forbruk i en vanlig uke

Min gjennomsnittlige forbruk av energidrikk i en vanlig uke. Tallene står for antall dager pr uke. Markert er 4.5 dager, som vil si jeg drikker en energidrikk daglig…