995 Data visualizations Categorized "my life in data" (page 36 of 50)

Diagram of my workouts in august

My workouts in august 2023

I am the owner of this data. The data is collected from Apple Health and represented using Google-sheets

My life in phone calls

My daily number of phone calls

Mountains climbed each month in 2022

Mountains climbed 2022

This graph shows how many mountains I climbed each month in 2022, as part of my project to complete 100 hikes in a year.

Average screentime

This must be what “phone addiction” looks like…

This image shows my screentime from March 7th to March 13th, 2023. The numbers displayed are quite frankly terrifying! I must admit I didn’t know I was this…

Number of coffee cups last week

In the image, data from my own life is represented by looking at the number of cups of coffee I have drunk in the last week. This is…

Bilde viser gjennomsnitt skjermtid på mobil for meg forrige uke basert på data som min mobiltelefon henter ut.

Forrige ukes skjermtid på mobil

Viser hvordan jeg dag for dag bruker mobilen og hva dette utgjør totalt i løpet av en uke. Man kan se at forbruket fordeler seg jevnt gjennom uken.

Boring stuff I have to do

A visual representation of the boring stuff that needs to be done in a family life.

nail polish

My nail polish colors

This pie chart shows my nail polish colors by percentage of my total amount of nail polishes.

Avarage steps

Average steps taken last 6 months

The diagram shows the average number of steps I have taken over the past 6 months. We see in January that more steps were taken than usual. It’s…

Average number of steps I have taken in a month.

Using the health app on the iphone I am able to track the amount of steps I take each day. The bar chart shows the amount of steps…

Week 10 Total Screentime

The data shows total time spent on my phone last week (week 10), collected using iphone’s software. The data shows 13 hours and 31 minutes spent on “entertainment”,…

Screen time average last week. Data gathered on phone and drawn on paper.

Screen time average/week

Screen time average over a week representented as a bar chart with every individual day represented and how time was spent each day on various types of apps…

Amount Spent On Groceries Per Month in NOK

shopping data downloaded from Trumf. Each point represents a month with the Y-axis representing how much I spent in that month. Plotted using python. Funnily, it shows when…

Pie chart depicting a day in the life of a student

A day in the life of an anonymous student

A coarse-grained pie chart depicting a typical day of the week for an anonymous student.

Total rainfall: Bergen vs Kragerø

Comparison for the total rainfall in 2022, between the two cities Kragerø and Bergen, the two cities I’ve lived in my life

My life in data, interrail, summer 2022

My interrail summer 2022

I made this image in a word-document. It shows how we divided our 2-ish weeks of travel days between 5 european cities, and the chart tells where we…

Min skjermtid uke 9 med hva jeg brukte tiden min på

My screentime last week

Skjermtiden min i uke 9, og hva jeg brukte tiden min på.


Skjermtimer i en uke

This is the screentime on a regular week, this one was recorded on the week from 6th til 12th March. It is measured in hours how it is…

Gjennomsnittlig antall steg

Min gjennomsnittlige daglige antall steg hver måned fra juli 2022 til mars 2023. Vertikal linje representerer antall steg (i 1000) og horisontal linje representerer hvilken måned fra juli…

Søvn uke 9

Søvn uke 9 2023

Graf som viser antall timer søvn i uke 9 2023.