982 Data visualizations Categorized "my life in data" (page 25 of 50)

Grafen viser hvor mange timer søvn jeg fikk hver dag i januar 2024

Antall timer søvn i Januar

Denne dataen er en oversikt over hvor mange timer søvn jeg har fått hver dag i januar 2024. Denne dataen har jeg hentet fra egne observasjoner.

Oversikt over mine mest spilte artister fra 2023

Favoritt artister fra 2023

Dette er data over hvilke artister jeg har hørt mest på i 2023. Dataene er hentet fra musikk appen Spotify, som gav en oversikt over mest lyttede artister…


I chose to make a timeline to show the daily routine I usually follow.

Hvor ofte jeg er ute med min hund

Dette er en graf som viser hvor ofte jeg var ute med min hund Teddy fra perioden 22. januar til 28. januar 2024.


Top 3 sushi restaurants that I’ve tried

This is my list of the three best sushi restaurants I’ve ever experienced. I highly recommend trying them. Keep in mind that this is my subjective opinion, as…

Nail color

These are some of my nails I’ve been doing over last year until now. These are the colors that I have done during this time.

It is a graphic that represents my favourite Disney’s princesses.

Ranking of my favourite Disney princesses

This graphic shows that my favorite Disney princess is Rapunzel (when I was little I wanted to be like her and I love her hair and her pet)….

My most listened music genres

There is a pie chart that represents my most listened genres since I have spotify (3 or 4 years).

Films and series I have watched in the last three months

This graph shows how many films and series I have watched in each month from November 2023 to January 2024. It also shows how many of them were…

My life in data

These are some of the artist I’ve been listening to over the last few weeks, accompained by my favourite discography of each one

My life in data

These are some of the artists I’ve been listening to over the last few weeks, accompained by my favourite discography of each one.

Viser ett sektordiagram som represneter min spilltid de siste to ukene fordelt over de 6 ulike spillene jeg har spilt.

Hvordan min spilltid er fordelt over de siste 2 ukene

Diagrammet viser min spilltid på steam de sisto to ukene. De ulike spillene er gitt i prosent basert på hvilke spill jeg har brukt mest/minst tid på. Dataene…

Average heart rate per kilometer

Treadmill run; average heart rate increase per kilometer

The csv data is provided form my garmin fenix 5 sapphire watch by using Garmin Connect and illustrates the increase in average heart rate per km. The graph…

My life in data

Diagrammet viser en visuell representasjon av mitt liv som student

MyData about NBA2k

How many hours I have played NBA2k

How many hours I have played some NBA2K games.


My life in data

mi life routine 🙂

Top 5 moments of one weekday

This is a ranking about 5 different moments in one of my weekdays

My ghraphic about countries I have visited

This is a graph about the countries I have visited and the reason for the score #RICT2223

Hourly energy used by my oven yesterday

Hourly energy used by my oven yesterday

This image shows a bar graph where each bar represents 1 hour of time, and the value that the graph is showing is how much kWh my oven…

Time I spend on my apps in a day

This circular graph shows the hours I spend in my apps in one day. The time I spend on spotify is just listening to music without using the…