137 Data visualizations Categorized "my country in data" (page 6 of 7)

Hovedkildene for klimagass i Norge

Hovedkildene for klimagassutslipp i Norsk luft i 2021. Hentet fra SSB.

People attending higher education in Norway in 2018 compared to 2021.

Number of people with higher education in Norway from when I started University compared to 2021

Illustration of people with/attending higher education in Norway in the year 2018 and the year 2021, including the rise in percent. The source and owner of the data…

Her er antall konkurser i Norge fra år 2010 til 2022

Antall konkurs – Norge

Her er antall konkurser i Norge fra år 2010 til 2022. Som vi kan se var det færre bedrifter som gikk konkurs under Covid-19, og flere årene før.

Gjennomsnittlig Temperatur For To Vestlandske Norske Byer i 2022

Diagrammet illustrerer gjennomsnittlig temperatur for hver måned i 2022 for de to norske vestlandske byene, Egersund og Bergen. Dataene er hentet fra YR som er en tjeneste Meteorologisk…

Valutakurser årlig gjennomsnitt NOK - USD

Valutakurser NOK – USD årlig gjennomsnitt 1994 – 2022

Søylediagram over gjennomsnittlig årlig valutakurs norske kroner mot US dollars perioden 1994 – 2022

The at weather two places I have been in 2022

Weather at the ends of Norway (2022)

Weather at the southernmost- and northernmost point i Norway, by mean temperature, average wind speed and average rainfall of 2022. The data is collected by “Norsk klima service…

Country comparison of Canada and Norway

Country Comparison

Data represented: Size Inhabitants CO2 Emissions per person Earths needed Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Human Development Index (HDI) Clean Water Availability

PIB Distribution in Spain and the Region of Murcia

How much each Autonomous Region provide to the national PIB and in the case of Murcia how is distribuited by sectors

Birth rate in Spain

We can observe that the children who arrived in the world in September were conceived, day up day down, during the Christmas vacation period. It seems the right…

How spaniards spend their free time

How spaniards spend their free time

This is a representation of which activities spaniards most prefer to do in their free time. It is represented in percentages, which I got from Lancelotdigital.com.

The most visited places in Spain 2019-2021

Top 5 most visited places in Spain

On these graphic you can visualize the most preferred places when travelling trough Spain in 2019 and 2020. Public Domain.

Nowadays, we live through social media and like to post things about our daily lives, where we travel or what we eat. Since Christmas has been almost a month ago, here I have the three Spanish cities more intragrammed at Christmas since so many people decide to take a break traveling on this holiday. (this is the new one)

TOP 3 Spanish cities most instagrammed at christmas

Nowadays, we live through social media and like to post things about our daily lives, where we travel or what we eat. Since Christmas has been almost a…

Top 6 most visitated beaches in Murcia

Top 6 most visitated beaches in Murcia

This is a recopilation of the excellent votes in tripadvisor of the 6 most visited beaches in Murcia.

Best places to visit in Spain

My country

These are some of the best places that I have already visited in Spain. All of them have its own personality and you will not want to miss…

By autonomous based on the number of establishments


The image represents in a graphic form the top supermarkets in Spain in 2022. More specifically, the criteria for establishing the ranking is based on the number of…

The reduction of pollution in Spain during the Covid-19 pandemic

This work consists of presenting the reduction of pollution levels in the cities of Spain due to the lower use of transport in the covid pandemic. This topic…

The reduction of pollution in Spain during the Covid-19 pandemic

This presentation consists of explaining the reduction in pollution that occurred in 2020 due to the covid pandemic. The reduction of transport in the cities caused the CO2…

My top 5 Spanish food.

Here are my top 5 Spanish food! One of my favourite things to do during the day is eat good and quality food. I have travelled to many…

My top 5 Spanish food.

Here are my top 5 Spanish food! One of my favourite things to do during the day is eat good and quality food. I have travelled to many…

Agriculture in Murcia

Agricultural production in the Region of Murcia

Our region is an agricultural power that provides us with magnificent vegetables and fruits known worldwide, and which constitute, among other foods, the Mediterranean diet. Production is so…