109 Data visualizations Categorized "my country in data" (page 4 of 6)

Number of rainy days in norwegian cities

Number of rainy days in norwegian cities

A graph of the average number of rainy days between 2002-2007 in three norwegian cities in different parts of the country.

Proportion of female, male, and foreign student on the total number of students in Germany and Norway (for the years 2002 and 2022)

Proportion of female, male, and foreign student on the total number of students in Germany and Norway (for the years 2002 and 2022)

Percentages of female, male, and foreign students relative to the total student population. One fact that rather astonished me was that much more females than males were studying…

Andel konfirmerte 15-åringer

Andel 15-åringer som konfirmerer seg

År Andel 2005 66,1 2006 66,7 2007 67 2008 66,2 2009 65,8 2010 65,3 2011 65,2 2012 64 2013 63,6 2014 62,9 2015 61,5 2016 60 2017 57,9…

Maratontabell (1992 - 2023). Logo av min favorittklubb Brann - Akkumulert poeng fra 1992 til 2023 .

Maratontabell (1992 – 2023)

Maratontabell (1992 – 2023). Logo av min favorittklubb Brann – Fra 1992 til 2023 har de oppnådd 1181 poeng. Ligger på 5.plass i antall akkumulert poeng i perioden.

Population differences in the country I am from and currently living in.

Population differences : Brunei vs Norway

Brunei’s current(2023) number of population – 452,524 residents Norway’s current(2023) number of population – 5, 474, 360 residents

Venabygdsfjellet Temperatur Juli 2022–juli 2023


Number of nurses per 1000 inhabitants in 2019 in HU/FR/NO

Number of nurses per 1000 inhabitants in 2019 in HU/FR/NO

Number of nurses per 1000 inhabitants in 2019 in HU/FR/NO

Students per capita in norwegian cities

Grafen viser antall studenter per innbygger for, Oslo, Trondheim, og Bergen. Kilde: Statistisk sentralbyråd (2016)

Antall NM-titler i fotball vunnet siden 1963

Søylediagram som viser hvilke lag som har vunnet NM i fotball siden 1963, og hvor mange ganger de eventuelt har vunnet. Begrunnelsen for at kun dataene fra og…

Stolpediagrammet viser hvor mange døgn det har regnet i Norges fem største byer fra februar 2022 til februar 2023.

Regndøgn i Norges fem største byer

Verdiene viser antall døgn det har regnet, ifølge målestasjonene Yr.no bruker i de forskjellige byene. Opphavsrett © NRK og Meteorologisk institutt 2007–2023

The image has the title “Most popular baby names in Brazil in 2022 - in absolute numbers divided by the number of thousands of births in the country/year” and a figure with ten green columns, each one with a name and a numbers. The names and numbers, in order, are: Miguel – 5,7; Gael – 5,4; Maria Alice – 5,1; Arthur - 4,9; Helena – 4,8; Heitor – 4,4; Alice – 4,3; Theo – 4,1; Laura – 3,6; Davi 3,6. The source of the data is the Portal da Transparencia do Registro Civil

Most popular baby names in Brazil in 2022

The image represents the most popular baby names in Brazil in 2022 in absolute numbers divided by by the number of thousands of births in the country/year. The…

Amount of cats and people in 2016 in Poland and Norway (source: SSB, Mattilsynet, GUS, Euromonitor international)

Amount of cats and people (in houndreds of thousands) in Poland vs in Norway in 2016.

Hovedkildene for klimagass i Norge

Hovedkildene for klimagassutslipp i Norsk luft i 2021. Hentet fra SSB.

People attending higher education in Norway in 2018 compared to 2021.

Number of people with higher education in Norway from when I started University compared to 2021

Illustration of people with/attending higher education in Norway in the year 2018 and the year 2021, including the rise in percent. The source and owner of the data…

Her er antall konkurser i Norge fra år 2010 til 2022

Antall konkurs – Norge

Her er antall konkurser i Norge fra år 2010 til 2022. Som vi kan se var det færre bedrifter som gikk konkurs under Covid-19, og flere årene før.

Gjennomsnittlig Temperatur For To Vestlandske Norske Byer i 2022

Diagrammet illustrerer gjennomsnittlig temperatur for hver måned i 2022 for de to norske vestlandske byene, Egersund og Bergen. Dataene er hentet fra YR som er en tjeneste Meteorologisk…

Valutakurser årlig gjennomsnitt NOK - USD

Valutakurser NOK – USD årlig gjennomsnitt 1994 – 2022

Søylediagram over gjennomsnittlig årlig valutakurs norske kroner mot US dollars perioden 1994 – 2022

The at weather two places I have been in 2022

Weather at the ends of Norway (2022)

Weather at the southernmost- and northernmost point i Norway, by mean temperature, average wind speed and average rainfall of 2022. The data is collected by “Norsk klima service…

Country comparison of Canada and Norway

Country Comparison

Data represented: Size Inhabitants CO2 Emissions per person Earths needed Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Human Development Index (HDI) Clean Water Availability

PIB Distribution in Spain and the Region of Murcia

How much each Autonomous Region provide to the national PIB and in the case of Murcia how is distribuited by sectors