457 Data visualizations Categorized "my city in data" (page 17 of 23)

Avarage steps

Average steps taken last 6 months

The diagram shows the average number of steps I have taken over the past 6 months. We see in January that more steps were taken than usual. It’s…

Week 10 Total Screentime

The data shows total time spent on my phone last week (week 10), collected using iphone’s software. The data shows 13 hours and 31 minutes spent on “entertainment”,…

My training


Total rainfall: Bergen vs Kragerø

Comparison for the total rainfall in 2022, between the two cities Kragerø and Bergen, the two cities I’ve lived in my life

Gjennomsnittlig antall steg

Min gjennomsnittlige daglige antall steg hver måned fra juli 2022 til mars 2023. Vertikal linje representerer antall steg (i 1000) og horisontal linje representerer hvilken måned fra juli…

sol i Bergen



Counted steps the last year

Counted steps

The data is representing steps counted by my training watch. You can see the total of steps for the last year, total km for the last year, average…

This shows rainfall in Bergen the last year.

Average amount of rainfall in Bergen

The information is borrowed from yr.no showing the average amount of rainfall in Bergen the last year. Each pole represents a mont and amount of rainfall, and the…

Climate change Bergen, Vestland, Norway;

Climate change

The Graphics show the climate change in Norway from 1900 – today for the whole year and also one in spring. As a contrast I added the graphics…

Rain in Bergen

Average number of rainy days in Bergen, Norway

Average number of rainy days in Bergen (per month). January – December.

There are significantly more hours of daylight in summer than in winter in Bergen, Norway.

Hours with daylight in Bergen, Norway

This data visualizes the difference between daylight in winter and daylight in summer in Bergen, Norway. The data is taken from timeanddate.no.

Rainy days in Oslo and Bergen yearly

This is a data visualization of how many days it rains yearly in Oslo and Bergen, both cities I have lived in.

Habit tracker - my life in one week

Habit tracker – My life in data in one week

This is taken from my journal, where I´ve collected data about my daily habits – if I´ve been able to do them or not, if I´ve slept well…

Football stress

Stress level of football

This is my stress level during the day. From 21 -23 Manchester United played against Barcelona.

Rain in Bergen versus the rain in creator\'s hometown, Kristiansand.

Rain in Bergen vs Hometown

The work is based on Yr.no’s weather history in Bergen and Kristiansand. This was recorded from the 8th of February until the 9th of march and in this…

Stolpediagram som viser temperaturene for januar

Temperaturer i Bergen for januar 2023

Grafen viser en oversikt over hvordan temperaturen i Bergen har variert i januar måned. © 2023 AccuWeather, Inc. “AccuWeather” og sun design er registrerte varemerker som tilhører AccuWeather,…

Aktivitetsnivå Februar 2023

My life in data- Aktivitetsnivå februar 2023

Data over mitt aktivitetsnivå i februar 2023.


Statistikk om matpriser

Figuren representerer prisøkning for matprisene på mat- og alkoholfrie drikkevarer, fra 2013-2022.

Data som kommunikasjon

Bilde av skjermbruk i løpet av en uke, store deler av min fritid.

Visual representation of data, from left to right is day 1 to day 10

Togforsinkelser Arna-Bergen

Data represents how often the train is late over 10 separate days. I would like to it over a longer period, but I noted only the most common…