448 Data visualizations Categorized "my city in data" (page 16 of 23)


Antall sider jeg leste i en uke

Oversikten viser hvor mange sider jeg leste fra en bok i en uke. Stolper visualiserer antall sider og linje viser prosentendringen. Dataene hentet fra registreringen som jeg gjorde…

How much homework I did today.

This bar-chart shows how much homework I have done today.

Average number of days with rain (higher precipitation that 0,1mm).

Average number of rainy days in two cities

Average number of days with rain (higher precipitation that 0,1mm). The data for both Bergen and Sola is compiled from 1961-1990. Data collected from “https://www.ssb.no/233220/nedbor-sa-26”

Amount of homework done.

This bar-chart shows how much homework I have done today.

Andel konfirmerte 15-åringer

Andel 15-åringer som konfirmerer seg

År Andel 2005 66,1 2006 66,7 2007 67 2008 66,2 2009 65,8 2010 65,3 2011 65,2 2012 64 2013 63,6 2014 62,9 2015 61,5 2016 60 2017 57,9…

Number of fires by month in Bergen compared to the average for Norway.

Fires per month in Bergen compared to Norway

The graph shows the share of fires for each month in Bergen compared to Norway. 100 % i defined as the total number of fires for each location….

My City in Data - Amount of Rain per year in Bergen

Rain in Bergen per year

Millimeter rain per year in Bergen, Norway period 2017-2022. Data from Bergen Kommune and Weatherstats

Energy consumption of my childhood school

Energy consumption of my school as a child.

This is a detailed consumption data of my childhood school.

Max and min temperatures in Bergen

This data is gathered from bergen kommune.

My life in data through dance

What role dance played throughout my life

This is a data visualization of what role dance played in my life from year 1997 to start of 2023. The data shows how the role changed throughout…

Voss Vangsvatnet

Innbyggartal Voss

Innbyggerstatistikk fra Statistisk sentralbyrå om Voss Kommune

Avarage steps

Average steps taken last 6 months

The diagram shows the average number of steps I have taken over the past 6 months. We see in January that more steps were taken than usual. It’s…

Week 10 Total Screentime

The data shows total time spent on my phone last week (week 10), collected using iphone’s software. The data shows 13 hours and 31 minutes spent on “entertainment”,…

My training


Total rainfall: Bergen vs Kragerø

Comparison for the total rainfall in 2022, between the two cities Kragerø and Bergen, the two cities I’ve lived in my life

Gjennomsnittlig antall steg

Min gjennomsnittlige daglige antall steg hver måned fra juli 2022 til mars 2023. Vertikal linje representerer antall steg (i 1000) og horisontal linje representerer hvilken måned fra juli…

sol i Bergen



Counted steps the last year

Counted steps

The data is representing steps counted by my training watch. You can see the total of steps for the last year, total km for the last year, average…

This shows rainfall in Bergen the last year.

Average amount of rainfall in Bergen

The information is borrowed from yr.no showing the average amount of rainfall in Bergen the last year. Each pole represents a mont and amount of rainfall, and the…

Climate change Bergen, Vestland, Norway;

Climate change

The Graphics show the climate change in Norway from 1900 – today for the whole year and also one in spring. As a contrast I added the graphics…