641 Data visualizations Categorized "18-29" (page 19 of 33)

A visual that shows the amount of steps I walked each day in week 35

Number of steps I walked in week 35

This shows how many steps I walked each day in week 35, where the red poles represent the days that were bellow average, and the green poles represent…

Number of rainy days in norwegian cities

Number of rainy days in norwegian cities

A graph of the average number of rainy days between 2002-2007 in three norwegian cities in different parts of the country.

Antall timer brukt på sosiale medier

Oversikt over antall timer brukt på sosiale medier i én uke

Oversikt over antall timer jeg brukte på sosiale medier i uke 34. Dataene er hentet fra Digital Balanse på mobiltelefonen.

Søvn for Michael uke 35 2023

Søvn for Michael uke 35

Dette er min søvndata hentet ut fra Helse appen innhentet av min AppleWatch SE. Verdiene er rundet av til nærmeste heltall. Grafen er laget med LiveGraph.

Top 7 apps on my phone in the last 7 days.


Top 7 apps on my phone in the last 7 days. Android. 24 year old Norwegian female Third year law student

Antall kilometer tilbakelagt i 2023

Totalt antall kilometer løpt hver måned i 2023

Denne tabellen gir en oppsummering av den samlede distansen i kilometer som ble løpt i løpet av året 2022. Inkluderer løping både inne og ute. Publisert: 05/09/23

Proportion of female, male, and foreign student on the total number of students in Germany and Norway (for the years 2002 and 2022)

Proportion of female, male, and foreign student on the total number of students in Germany and Norway (for the years 2002 and 2022)

Percentages of female, male, and foreign students relative to the total student population. One fact that rather astonished me was that much more females than males were studying…

My knitting from September 2020 until September 2023

My finished knitting projects over the last 3 years

This is a representation over my finished knitting project each month from September 2020 until September 2023.

An overview of my daily health goals and how far I am from achieving them.

My lazy day in numbers

This image contains my activity statistics on the 5th og September, 2023. These numbers have definitely been higher before! Today was not my most productive day in terms…

How much homework I did today.

This bar-chart shows how much homework I have done today.

Average number of days with rain (higher precipitation that 0,1mm).

Average number of rainy days in two cities

Average number of days with rain (higher precipitation that 0,1mm). The data for both Bergen and Sola is compiled from 1961-1990. Data collected from “https://www.ssb.no/233220/nedbor-sa-26”

Amount of homework done.

This bar-chart shows how much homework I have done today.

Mine arbeidstimer siste 6 mnd i bedrift X

Oversikten viser hvordan mine arbeidstimer er fordelt de siste 6 månedene hos min arbeidsgiver bedrift X. Det er også lagt inn en graf som viser om månedens timeantall…

To grafer som samlinger antall Menn og Kvinner som har fullførte høyere utdanning mellom 2019 og 2022

Fullførte utdanninger ved universiteter og høgskoler i Norge

Fullførte utdanninger ved universiteter og høgskoler i Norge, etter kjønn, nivå, alder, statistikkvariabel og intervall fra 2019 til 2022. Inkluderer fullførte grader med en varighet på mer enn…

Diagram of my workouts in august

My workouts in august 2023

I am the owner of this data. The data is collected from Apple Health and represented using Google-sheets

Overview on what a student\'s life can contain of

Life as a Student – in Data

text=I have made a diagramme to visualize what a student’s life can contain. As you can see, stress and discipline is a big part of it.

Mountains climbed each month in 2022

Mountains climbed 2022

This graph shows how many mountains I climbed each month in 2022, as part of my project to complete 100 hikes in a year.

Average screentime

This must be what “phone addiction” looks like…

This image shows my screentime from March 7th to March 13th, 2023. The numbers displayed are quite frankly terrifying! I must admit I didn’t know I was this…

Number of coffee cups last week

In the image, data from my own life is represented by looking at the number of cups of coffee I have drunk in the last week. This is…

nail polish

My nail polish colors

This pie chart shows my nail polish colors by percentage of my total amount of nail polishes.