641 Data visualizations Categorized "18-29" (page 12 of 33)

My life in data

In this image I have incluided mi daily routine in a timeline.

My spotify listening history for a day

My music listening history for a day

Here is my music listening history for a day, sorted into the songs name, the artist, the song duration and what genre it fits into.

Mine treningsøkter i Januar 2024. Logget med en trenings app.

Treningsøkter i Januar 2024

Dager i måneden jeg har hatt en 1t – 1.5t treningsøkt. Dager uten treningsøkt er hviledager eller dager hvor jeg ikke hadde mulighet til å gå på trening.

Best Places to Visit in Oregon (not in order)

From my perspective, Oregon has landmarks that left a permanent mark on my soul during the seven years I called it home. These remarkable places not only mesmerized…

Ranking of football teams that fans fell in love with

These are some of the best football teams that people fell in love with and are classified according to my criteria. 1. Barsa 2011/12 Manager: Pep Guardiola Stars:…

Stolpediagram av mine gjennomsnittlige skritt pr. dag i 2023.

Gjennomsnittlige skritt pr. dag i 2023

Data ovenfor viser til antall gjennomsnittlige skritt jeg tok i året 2023. Det er hentet fra appen “Helse” som eies av meg og blir delt med Apple Inc.

Favourite music albums

Here it is shown my all-time favourite music albums following the scheme of an infography becuase I thought that this would be the better way to show my…


My life

Average Sunny days: Saskatoon, CA vs Bergen, NO

My bloodsugar levels 30.01.24

My bloodsugar levels 30.01.24

The data represented in this image shows my bloodsugar levels throughout the day 30.01.24

Antall skritt, uke 4.

Antall skritt gått i uke 4

Antall skritt gått fra 22. til 28. januar 2024.

My day in 24h

Mitt døgn i emoji

Emoji representation of everyday life

In this graph I intend to represent my energy levels during the day. #RICT2324

My energy levels during the day

I am Isabel Maria Navarro and I am a student of the first bilingual education course at the University of Murcia. In this graph I intend to represent…

Minutes used running 2km over 3 weeks

Minutes used running 2km over 3 weeks

It shows the number of minutes I used running 2 km on the treadmill. This shows the progression in my speed.

Hours played of valorant per episode/act

The graph above showes hours spent playing competetive valorant per episode/act.

My country in data

In this graph we can see how many women called Rocio live in Spain and where is this name more usual. #RICT2324

Average time spent on studies during a week - full time students vs. law students

My Student Life in Data

The numbers are representing what an average Norwegian full time student spend on studying each week compared to Norwegian law students.

Number of steps week 1 2024

Number of steps week 1 2024

Number of steps for each day the first week in 2024

On vacation for a week, this was the distribution of the persons in the photos on my phone.

Who´s in the photos I took on my week long vacation

The distribution of photos taken (counted manually): Motherinlaw 62, Sisterinlaw 57, Niece 131, Daughter1 231, Daughter2 195, Boyfriend 76, Me 98

A graph of how many hours approximately i use in a week on my computer and phone.

My digital use in a week

This graph shows how many hours i use on my phone and computer in a week. I put it under different categories like social, entertainment, productivity and other….

Skrittene mine på sommeren vs vinteren

Mine skritt en uke i juni sammenlignet med en uke i desember.