This is one of the playful resources created by the Data Literacy for Citizenship DALI project, co-funded by the Erasmus Plus prorgamme of the European Union.
We invite you to reflect on how your own reality might be represented through data. Find some data relevant to you and visually represent aspects of your life or the world you inhabit.
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.
Aktivitetsmål pr dag i februar. Den blå vannrette linjen viser aktivitetsmålet. Stolpediagrammet viser oppnådd aktivitet pr dag. Linjediagrammet viser antall steg den dagen. Hentet fra Polar Flow profilen…
Diagrammet illustrerer gjennomsnittlig temperatur for hver måned i 2022 for de to norske vestlandske byene, Egersund og Bergen. Dataene er hentet fra YR som er en tjeneste Meteorologisk…
I love reading and this past years I have been buying books to add to my bookshelf. Right now the genres that predominate in my bookshelf are fantasy,…
At the end of each year, the Spotify music application compiles, in a ranking, the list of your most listened to artists during that year. It also includes,…
Nowadays, we live through social media and like to post things about our daily lives, where we travel or what we eat. Since Christmas has been almost a…
In this infographic we can see which are the degrees with most job opportunities nowadays in the Region of Murcia, based on percentages found in a digital newspaper….
The image represents in a graphic form the top supermarkets in Spain in 2022. More specifically, the criteria for establishing the ranking is based on the number of…
I love Christmas, especially when Murcia is full of lights, when I walk while listening to small groups of people singing Christmas carols, but above all I love…
In this infographic we can see which are the degrees with most job opportunities nowadays in the Region of Murcia, based on percentages found in a digital newspaper….
This drawing shows the amount of time a day I spend in music. 1 star represents 1 hour. I have included lessons/rehearsals, study at home, reading, and listening…