Based on listening statistics from my personal podcast addict app. The link to the source data cannot be shared in this format. I have used MS copilot to create the image and gave it the following prompt:
“Create an image representing my time from the year 2020 until 2024 listening to podcasts. The data should be shown clearly. Only include each year once. Include me in the picture. I am 45 years old, have a beard, little to no hair, love listening to podcast about politics and basketball. the data is: year 2020: 51480 minutes, year 2021: 91440 minutes, year 2022: 101280 minutes, year 2023: 93600 minutes, year 2024: 12720 minutes”

Shared By: Thomas Nordbø-Rasmussen
Source: Podcast addict statistics. not possible to share
Image Alt Text: Abstract visualization of annual podcast listening